
Darüşşafaka Entrance Exam For Full Scholarship And Boarding Education To Be Held In 31 Provinces On May 29

Giving talented but financially disadvantaged kids with deceased fathers and/or mothers an opportunity for free education with boarding, Darüşşafaka Schools will hold the 2022 entrance exam in 31 provinces of Turkey at 11:00 hours on Sunday, May 29. Once students pass the exam, which can be taken by 4th graders, as well as the following financial assessment and health check, they will have the right to receive free-of-charge college education starting from the 5th grade until university.

Darüşşafaka Schools: College Education With Full Scholarship And Boarding

All families want their kids to receive a decent education, be successful, live a happy life, and be of service to their family and nation. Darüşşafaka provides free education with boarding to fatherless or motherless talented children with limited financial means. Established in 1863 by philanthropists believing all children of Turkey have the right to receive a decent education, Darüşşafaka covers all needs, such as education, health, nutrition, accommodation, and clothing, of the students chosen through the annual exam, and graduates them from high school by raising them in the best way. Darüşşafaka High School graduates start university as knowledgeable young people who speak English, have proficient computer skills, play an instrument, are engaged in sports, and are avid readers. Darüşşafaka supports its successful alumni by providing scholarships during their university education.

Children At Darüşşafaka

  • Receive computer-aided education in classrooms and laboratories employing the most advanced technologies.
  • Make use of a fully-equipped and rich library.
  • Learn how to use both Turkish and English fluently and correctly.
  • Play basketball, football and tennis at outdoor and indoor sports areas, learn swimming, and do gymnastics.
  • Watch and stage performances in the large and magnificent theater hall.
  • Learn how to play a musical instrument they wish and are talented at.
  • Have access to healthcare services.


When is the 2022 darüşşafaka exam?

Darüşşafaka Exam Registration Period Start Date: Monday, 3rd January 2022
Darüşşafaka Exam Registration Period End Date: Monday, 23rd May 2022
Darüşşafaka Exam Date: Sunday, 29th May 2022
Darüşşafaka Exam Time: 11:00*

* Candidates must be present at the exam venue at 10:00.

Darüşşafaka Entrance Exam Application Conditions

  • T.C. vatandaşı olması
  • Annesinin ve/veya babasının hayatta olmaması
  • Ailenin maddi durumunun öğrenimini sürdürmesine yeterli olmaması
  • 2011 ya da daha sonraki yıllarda doğmuş olması (Yaş düzeltmesi geçersizdir.)
  • 2021 – 2022 eğitim–öğretim yılında ilkokul 4. sınıf öğrencisi olması

Yukarıdaki koşulların tümünü taşıyan adaylar, Darüşşafaka Sınavı’na başvurabilirler.

What are the documents required to apply to the darüşşafaka exam?

  • Nüfus cüzdanı fotokopisi
  • İkametgâh belgesi
  • Vukuatlı aile nüfus kayıt belgesi (Vefat eden ebeveynin bilgileri de dahil olmak üzere hayatta olan ebeveyne ait)
  • Öğrencinin okumakta olduğu ilkokul müdürlüğünden alınacak ve “ilkokul 4. sınıf öğrencisi olduğunu gösterir” imzalı ve mühürlü belge
  • Öğrencinin iki (2) adet yeni çekilmiş vesikalık fotoğrafı
  • Aday Başvuru Formu (doldurulmuş)

Önemli not:

  • Aday kaydı için başvurular Ocak 2022’den itibaren online ya da elden yapılabilir.
  • Başvuru için gerekli belgelerin Darüşşafaka Ortaokulu’na postayla ulaştırılması zorunludur.

Contact Details For The Darüşşafaka Exam

Adres: Darüşşafaka Ortaokulu – Darüşşafaka Caddesi No: 5/9 Maslak 34457 Sarıyer – İstanbul
Telefon: 0 212 276 55 33 – 0 212 939 28 00 (Dahili 2252 – 2812 ) – 0 212 939 28 12
Faks: 0 212 286 31 77 – 0 212 285 25 86 – 0 212 285 44 12
E-posta: [email protected] / [email protected]

Darüşşafaka Exam Centers In 2022

ADANA: Seyhan İsmet İnönü Mes.Tek. Anadolu Lisesi – Tel: 0 322 454 26 76

AFYONKARAHİSAR: Atatürk İlkokulu – Tel: 0 272 214 64 56

AĞRI: Şeyh Edebali İlkokulu – Tel: 0 472 215 12 16

ANKARA: Ulubatlı Hasan İlkokulu – Tel: 0 312 213 15 19

ANTALYA: Kocademir Ortaokulu – Tel: 0 242 323 13 28

BALIKESİR: Burhan Erdayı İlkokulu – Tel: 0 266 239 01 61

BURSA: Setbaşı Ortaokulu – Tel: 0 224 327 75 11

ÇORUM: 23 Nisan Ortaokulu – Tel: 0 364 226 02 47

DENİZLİ: Gazi İlkokulu – Tel: 0 258 263 50 06

DİYARBAKIR: Şair Sırrı Hanım Ortaokulu – Tel: 0 412 228 29 54

ERZURUM: İsmetpaşa İlkokulu – Tel: 0 442 234 78 67

ESKİŞEHİR: Milli Zafer İlkokulu – Tel: 0 222 230 31 71

GAZİANTEP: Abdullah Kepkep İlkokulu – Tel: 0 342 230 31 42

HATAY: Haydar Mursaloğlu İlkokulu – Tel: 0 326 216 10 51

İSTANBUL: Darüşşafaka Eğitim Kurumları – Tel: 0 212 939 28 12

İZMİR: Merkez Halitbey İlkokulu – Tel: 0 232 262 47 22

KARABÜK: Merkez Şirinevler İlkokulu – Tel: 0 370 412 11 13

KARS: Kars Merkez Atatürk İlkokulu – Tel: 0 474 212 67 21

KAYSERİ: Besime Özdereci Ortaokulu – Tel: 0 352 223 22 35

KOCAELİ: İzmit Atatürk Ortaokulu – Tel: 0 262 321 18 35

KONYA: Mümtaz Koru Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi – Tel: 0 332 351 12 22

MALATYA: Gazi İlkokulu – Tel: 0 422 323 13 81

MARDİN: 13 Mart İlkokulu – Tel: 0 482 213 29 07

MERSİN: İleri Ortaokulu – Tel: 0 324 237 12 30

SAMSUN: Merkez Alparslan İlkokulu – Tel: 0 362 231 10 42

SİİRT: Mehmetçik İlkokulu – Tel: 0 484 223 11 98

SİVAS: Sivas Behrampaşa Ortaokulu – Tel: 0 346 221 22 77

ŞANLIURFA: Fevzi Çakmak İlkokulu – Tel: 0 414 313 51 27

TEKİRDAĞ: Kazandereli Memiş Pehlivan Ortaokulu – Tel: 0 282 261 59 70

TRABZON: Cudibey Ortaokulu – Tel: 0 462 321 12 94
VAN: İpekyolu İlknur Ilıcalı İlkokulu – Tel: 0 432 216 13 68

Sınav merkezlerine çevre il ya da ilçelerden gelecek maddi durumu yetersiz velilerimize ulaşım gideri için destek olunmaktadır.

Right Of Final Registration In Darüşşafaka

  • A health board report verifying that the “candidate’s physical and mental health is fit for education at a boarding school” in accordance with the principles cited in Darüşşafaka Schools Registration Acceptance Health Regulation must be submitted. (After examination and assessment of the candidate by the school health board, if and when needed, the candidate student may be referred to a fully-equipped hospital for a re-examination.)
  • The school “health board” must provide a report verifying that the candidate is eligible for acceptance to the boarding school in accordance with the principles cited in Darüşşafaka Schools Registration Acceptance Health Regulation.
  • The results of a “check on the financial situation” to be conducted on the dates to be determined by Darüşşafaka Schools must be affirmative and acceptable.

A candidate who does not respond to the invitation of the school “health board” or does not participate in the “financial situation checking” process is not eligible for registration in school even if he/she passes the exam.

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